Tobias Kropp, M.Sc.
- Research Associate
- Group:
Facility Management
- Office Hours:
nach Vereinbarung
- Room: 004
CS 50.31 - Phone: +49 721 608-48224
- tobias kropp ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Gotthard-Franz-Straße 3
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Field of research / interests
I am happy to supervise theses on process mining and digitization in real estate and facility management, as well as topics related to building-related climate protection. As a supervisor I can offer you support especially in the following areas:
- Process Mining in the construction and real estate industry
- In the life cycle of a property
- In building operation
- Process Mining methods and tools
- Data management in real estate and facility management
- Functional programming in R
- CAFM Systems
- Climate protection in building operations
I am looking forward to your ideas for new research questions!
Consultation hours / Contact
Dear students, of course we want to offer you the best possible service in teaching. Therefore, you are welcome to come to our office at any time for a personal consultation. Unfortunately, we cannot promise you that we can take care of your request immediately. Therefore, we recommend that you contact us by e-mail or, in urgent cases, by telephone. In any case, you should name the course in question and describe your request clearly.
In the table below you will find a list of the courses that fall within my area of responsibility. If you have any questions about another course, please contact the respective contact person first (you can find the contact persons here).
title | type | semester | place |
Housework Upgrading of Existing Buildings and Energetic Refurbishment | Übung | Geb. 50.31, Raum 012 |
Sustainability in property management | lecture | 2. | |
Energetic refurbishment | lecture | 3. |
Academic short resume
- 2020 academic staff member at TMB/KIT
- 2020 Master thesis "Process Mining in Civil Engineering" in cooperation with Wolff & Müller Holding GmbH & Co KG
- 2019 Study abroad at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
- 2017 Bachelorthesis "Execution of probabilistic lifetime prognoses for the case of frost-induced concrete corrosion"
- 2013-2020 Study of Civil Engineering at KIT